Being the result of a partnership with AP-HP (public hospital), the Broca Living Lab brings together 3 teams to develop research and innovation technologies for health and autonomy:
Broca Hospital and its health professionals
The EA 4468 research team and its laboratory in gerontechnology LUSAGE Lab
CEN Stimco, as an expertise center and resources
Broca living Lab brings together CEN STIMCO and LUSAGE LAB
National Expertise Center in Cognitive Stimulation
The National Expertise Center in Cognitive Stimulation (CEN Stimco) is a non-profit organization founded by the CNSA.
Co-founder of the Broca Living Lab, its mission is to promote information, research and development of assistive technology for cognition.

Laboratory of USAges in GErontechnology
LUSAGE is a research laboratory located in Greater Paris region and is part of the EA 4468 university hospital team "Alzheimer's disease: Diagnosis, Interventions and Technologies" located at Broca Geriatric Hospital (AP-HP).

PU-PH Gériatric medecine
Head of Department and Head of Broca Hospital (APHP)
Director EA 4468 U. Paris Descartes
President CEN STIMCO
PhD Cognitive Psychology
Executive Director
Broca Living Lab

Avec le soutien de